Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Service Learning encourages Inquiry Learning in Social Studies

The service learning lesson plan that I chose to learn about and critique involves history and theater, two things that interest me. This lesson plan is designed for an 8th grade history class, and is described as follows:

One of the needs of the History/Social Science is for students to make meaningful connections

between the past and the present. In addition, the subject springboards into developing a greater understanding of community and service-learning. This project developed as a result of a Cal Serve Workshop held in August 2002, designed in collaboration with Roger Huitric to be used as a service-learning project in itself, or as the initial step in completing the project “Heroes” by Roger Huitric. This project addresses History/Social Science Content Standards of Growth and Conflict regarding individuals who made a positive impact in American history. This project provided a service to the community by broadening students’ appreciation of the contributions adults of various ethnicities have made to society, and created a link between members of our


This project is based on an ongoing study that has students evaluating heroes from the time of

the Spanish conquistadors through President Wilson’s administration. Students discuss

characteristics of heroes, identify culturally diverse heroes influential to the history of America,

and give justification for their choices. Then, students completed a visual display of their chosen

heroes to include a photograph of the hero and a brief biography describing the heroic qualities.

The students presented the display to the school library, and a duplicate presented to the local

Community Center.

The goals of this lesson include raising community awareness of ethnically diverse heroes,

increasing student research and evaluation skills, and promoting a closer bond between all

groups in our community.

Some of the benefits of inquiry learning in social studies include: connect social studies lessons to daily life, student generated, sharpen critical thinking skills, stimulate student motivation and curiosity, promotes ownership and responsibility, and team spirit. This service learning plan is a great way to tap into the benefits of inquiry learning in social studies; by putting on plays, the students really connect to the social studies lesson. In this instance (historical heroes), the students really learn all about, and how to relate to, their hero. This lesson promotes critical thinking skills because the students have to understand more than just biographical information about their historical hero; they have to understand how their person fits into the greater historical scheme and affected history.

By putting on theatrical performances for the community, the students really gain a sense of ownership in their lesson. Not only do they know that they are putting joy into peoples' lives, but they obviously will be motivated to do the best they can do since they know people will be watching them! The fact that this service learning lesson will take a long time also promotes ownership because the students know that they are participating in something very important. Team spirit will be promoted because all the students have to work together to put on a great play about historical heroes.

Some challenges associated with social learning in history classes include: can be too student dependent, can be difficult to get full student participation, puts students in uncomfortable state of disequilibrium, and harder to find materials. I think for this service learning lesson it is crucial that the students know that although they are in charge of their individual heroes, the teacher is still the "stage manager" and will help them out when they need it. The teacher (me) will give explicit directions and guidelines for the students to follow (I will not tell my students how to act out their hero, but I will set specific guidelines). I am hoping that all students will be willing to participate since it will benefit the community as a whole. Although some students are shy and might not be willing to act out their hero on stage, they will be expected to write a script about their hero that one of their classmates can read for them (as well as their own hero). This lesson plan does not seem that materials will be hard to find;with the community involved, stage accessories should be easy to come by.

Students will spend time learning about their character through books and notes before the process of writing scripts even begins. Background knowledge is crucial for an accurate play. Students will brainstorm what they want to include in their play, because obviously they cannot put everything about the hero's live into this performance (this will sharpen critical thinking skills as well). As a class, we will discuss everyone's hero and why he or she chose them; this will be beneficial in making sure that everyone benefits from each other's research.

Most students enjoy history when it is relatable; people are relatable aspects of history. I will encourage my students to choose a hero that they either can identify with, or want to understand more about. History is also about creating effective citizens, and I think that this service learning lesson plan is a perfect way to do so and promote inquiry learning!

my service learning lesson plan:


  1. I think the performance aspect of this lesson plan opens up a lot of possibilities beyond a normal biographical assignment that many history teachers assign.
    The performance aspect lets students take ownership over their work. After all, they are not just writing a paper for their teacher; they are acting for a captive audience! Also, the creative aspect of this project engages a different type of talent than most standard written assignments.
    The teacher needs to keep learning goals in sight for their students to ensure that learning goes hand-in-hand with the performance aspect of the lesson plan.

  2. This would work well in conjunction with the role playing aspect of WebQuest as well. Combining the two students would get not only a deeper understanding of the persons goals and motivations, they might find it easier to relate to the person.

  3. The performance and play aspect of this project makes history come alive in so many different forms and perspectives. Students will finally be able to learn more about a historical figure whom they, not the teacher or district, think is important to learn about. In addition, students will share the life and experience of this historical figure with the rest of the student body and community.
    This assignment will give teachers an insight of who or what (themes, topics, and figures) their students consider to be important to learn in history. Teachers can incorporate these historical figures or themes into their class curriculum and allow students to learn more about people or themes their personally interested in.

  4. I love how this project lets students be creative. Plus, I think its a good idea for students to research potential heroes and then see whether or not that person fits the criterion of a hero. For instance, a student may think Christopher Columbus would make for a great hero. However, after conducting some research, he or she may discover that he does not fit the defintion of a hero in many ways. This is a great way to encourage critical thinking!

  5. I'd first like to say I love this project, so long as it is executed FAIRLY and truthfully. If the students are provided with all the aspects of each person's character, I think this is a great activity for critical thinking and analysis. Too many times in history do teachers glorify historical figures. This activity tears down that heavenly aspect for many of these heroes, and students can actually see them as human beings. Excellent!

  6. I like this service learning project a lot! I think that it definitely brings a more personal relationship to the students with the time period they are learning about! I love the fact that they get to do research on their part so that they can learn how to really portray that character. This project is very student oriented and I think it is great to give the student's that type of responsibility. It can be hard to put students on the spot like that and get their full participation which then falls on to the teacher to get everyone involved. I think is sounds like such a fun project and brings a more personal level to it and therefore getting the participation necessary does not seem too difficult!
