Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jack and Jackie

enjoy my Glog!!! I enjoyed making it!


  1. I like how your pictures get zoomed in when you click them... it was a nice touch and a fun surprise all in one!

  2. I like the whole theme of your page. Instead of just doing a straightforward presentation of JFK, you really captured the fact that they became America's "royal family." My favorite part is the YouTube video about the Kennedy's visit to Paris. People were so interested to hear every detail about their lives! I think the Obamas are the closest thing to the Kennedys in our lifetime that we have experienced as far as fascination with the first family, but I guess history will have to show just how much. Maybe it is because America loves seeing a young couple raising kids in the White House.

  3. I have to agree with Megan, the picture zoom was pretty awesome. Part of the challenge of making an appealing blog is knowing what colors to use, and I believe you have quite an effective scheme. It's vibrant, and it draws attention to the viewer. The color scheme goes fantastically well with the "Camelot" theme.

  4. Great overview of the concept of "Camelot" during Kennedy's term. Nice choice of video, as well.

